I carry often, usually a .32 or a .380. I choose to carry because I may have only one chance to protect my family in case of an attack. Mind you, I am not a gun-toting wacko! To obtain a permit in my state, one must complete basic firearms safety training, pass a criminal, mental health and local background check, and keep out of all legal trouble. A pistol permit around here is almost like a "good guy" ID card. It guarantees that the person has not been hospitalized for mental health issues, has no felony convictions, no major misdemeanor convictions, no domestic violence issues, and meets the minimum acceptable criteria set by a local police chief.
My mother, a JW, feels that she would rather die at the hands of a rapist/burglar/criminal than have blood on her hands. That is fine, but I have two little girls, and I will gladly take a criminal life to protect their innocence.
No, again, I am not a nut. I do not claim that my handgun will protect the nation from the Democrats. I do not believe that I am a cop. I wear a seat belt in the car, I have smoke detectors in my house, and a first aid kit. I carry a gun to help in a criminal attack just as I use other tools to manage a car crash, fire or injury.